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Graduation Ceremony in Kabul ALC

A graduation ceremony was held on May 9th for 75 learners who finalized their education courses at the Adult Learning Centers (ALCs) of the Afghan National Association for Adult Education, ANAFAE in Kabul.

The young graduates (51 females and 24 males) participated in English language courses, in sciences courses in Islamic education programmes and in short term vocational courses (weaving and tailoring). About 50 female received their graduation certificates from the women ALC, 10 from ALC2 and 15 from ALC3 of ANAFAE.

Samira, fourth year student at the Faculty of Law at University who graduated from the English Course at the Women ALC said: “Discipline and the quality of the Women ALC encouraged me to choose this Interchange English course and now after two years I learned English language very well. She added that she is extremely happy and pleased due to this success.

Sadaf another female graduate said: “Student-centered, reliable and safe environment for students, especially for females compared with other Education Centres is very good and very much different to other education Centres in Kabul. This promotes good self-esteem among the female students and confidence to continue their education lessons in the ALC.”

The ALCs managers highly appreciated their learning results and congratulated the newly graduated students. Furthermore they underlined in their speeches that only a stronger investment in youth education can ensure the country destiny. Mr. Nazir Ibrahimi, the ALC 3 manager, in his message to students pointed out that the future of the country highly dependents on the young generations, especially the educated ones.

The lack of employment opportunities is one of the greatest and serious challenges for youth who finalized their school education or even higher education. The government is also strongly criticized by public, due to paying less attention to address this social problem.

Young people demand to create suitable job opportunities and income generation opportunities especially for youth who have been graduated from higher education, semi higher education and other educational institution.

The Adult Education Centres of ANAFAE offer a wide range of educational services for those young adults who are in schools, in transition from school to university or to working life, who are university students, unemployed job seekers or in employment.

The Afghan National Association for Adult Education (ANAFAE) supports a network of 22 Adult Education and Community Learning Centres in 12 provinces (Kabul, Herat, Parwan, Baghlan, Kundoz, Takhar, Badakhshan, Samangan, Balkh, Jawozjan, Faryab and Sar-e-Pol). These ALCs/CLCs provides professional education services for young people between 16 and 26 year of age.

The graduates enjoyed their education at the Adult Education Centres. At the end, the certificates distributed to the graduated students and they voiced their happiness for the achievement.

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