On Dec 30th, 1050 learners have been graduated from two months courses of SEDEP project. The graduation ceremony of SEDEP Project learners was held in Marmarin Hotel in Mazar.
In the Year 2017, from 15 Oct till 31 Dec, ANAFAE implemented SEDEP (Sustainable Economic Development and Employment Promotion Program) for two and half months.
The objective of SEDEP project is to build the ability to work through non-formal education with a focus but not exclusive on young people between 16 and 26 years with a vulnerable background (IDPs, returnees and poor people).
After successful completion of the project for two and half months, the project was extended for one year.
ANAFAE implemented SEDEP Project in 6 CLCs (Community Learning Centers) and 5 ALCs (Adult Learning Centers) which is in the support of ANAFAE in Kabul, Mazar, and BCCI (Balkh Chamber of Commerce and Industries) that is ANAFAE’s partner.
In SEDEP Project, ANAFAE is focusing on ten courses: Repairing Mobile Phones, Employability Skills, Personal Business Skills, ICDL Basic, Office and Business Skills, Graphic Designing Course, Video Editing Course, IT Training course, Tiloring course, Beauty Parlor course and Business English Course.
ANAFAE hired 58 professional teachers and Trainers for SEDEP project courses. Quality Improvement of ANAFAE held two workshops for these teachers and trainers. One Open Space and engaged workshop at the beginning of the project and at the end of the project also held Final Evaluation workshop.
More than 1250 participants participated in different courses of SEDEP Project in Kabul and Mazar. It’s worth mentioning that 75.6% present of all students were female and 24.40% were male. Increment in the number of female participants is a big honor and achievement for ANAFAE.
In Mobile Repairing course, 20 participants learnt how to repair Mobile phones, and 8 of them started their own small shops to find income and support their families.
Education for Employability course with 3 main components (Personal business Skills, English for Business, ICDL Basic), Most of the participants who participated in this course are qualified and able to find employment opportunities in the job market, or start their own small businesses.
Most of the Participants after graduation became self-sufficient and able to support their families.
In Tailoring and Beauty parlor course, most of females who participated in the course, became skillful enough to start their own small business and some of them started their own businesses and have a lot of customers. They can build a good career for themselves and their families.
SEDEP was a very golden opportunity for these students, who had a vulnerable background and suffered a lot due to poor economic status. By participating in SEDEP courses they improved their job skills to find employment opportunities or start their own businesses.